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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Quick tips for healthy summer ☺☺

When it comes to summer, We can enjoy lots of nutritious food and have rocking summer. So here are some tips what we can do to spend healthy summer.
  1. Drink plenty of water. It is very easy to get dehydrated in summer without even knowing it. Water is very useful for growth and maintenance and even for regulating our body processes.Water is the second only to oxygen as essential to life. Water plays a vital role in all bodily processes and makes up just over half of your body's weight.

    As mentioned, water is the most plentiful nutrient in the body, accounting for about 60 percent of your weight. Protein accounts for about 15 percent of your weight, fat for 20 to 25 percent, and carbohydrates only 0.5 percent.

    In short water is the most essential nutrient for body. So drink as much water as you can.
  2. Take rest when your body needs it but do not relax when it comes to workout. Follow some basic exercises to stay fit.
  3. Wear sunscreen and sun protective clothing whenever you venture outdoors. Sunburns are not only painful but they are also risky with regards to other infections.
  4. Eat light, small and frequent meals. Ripe summer fruits - peaches, plums, melons and pears, are exactly what your skin craves for in the hot season.
  5. Include salads in your diet. Salads contain a significant amount of water and can actually thin the blood, which has a cooling effect.
  6. Avoid smoking and alcohol, if you do so.
  7. Avoid Chilly Treats.Craving ice cream, frozen bananas or grapes make a great-tasting, and also low-fat alternative.
  8. Eat five meals a day. It’s better to have five or six small meals a day than to skip meals or eat only two or three larger ones.
  9. Eat fruit smoothies instead of ice cream. It’s tempting to eat some foods during the summer that really don’t offer the best nutrition for you. Ice cream is a terrific example of a summer food like this. Learn to make substitutions so that you’re eating foods that are just as refreshing but a lot healthier for you. Substituting fruit smoothing (made from milk, yogurt and fresh fruit) for your ice cream is a great example of how to do this.
  10. Make sure that your food is fresh. All of that great nutrition that you’re getting from following these other tips is going to go right out the window if you make yourself sick by eating foods that aren’t fresh. This is a particular concern in the summer because the temperatures get warmer and foods spoil more quickly. Make sure that you pay extra careful attention to the freshness of meats and seafood.